Artist name
Artwork make date
Artwork title translation
Artwork material
mixed media
Artwork dimensions
height: 27cm
width: 20cm
depth: 2cm
width: 20cm
depth: 2cm
Artwork type (categories)
Accession method
Donated by Marisa Rueda 1997
Accession number
Label text
Mar is a multiple produced for distribution by the Grupo Escombros, a collective based in La Plata, Argentina. Produced in December 2003, it reiterates an installation produced by the group for the exhibition 'Art en la calle en el Museo'(Art in the street in the Museum), shown at the Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires in August of the same year. This installation, also entitled Mar, consisted of one thousand filled black rubbish sacks: 500 accumulated at the Museum's entrance, and the other 500 spread out across all 140 square metres of the first floor. Displayed on the wall was a text written by the collective, which drew out poetic parallels between this sea of rubbish sacks and the equally contaminating and overwhelming phenomenon of corruption.
From their inception in 1988 to the present day the Grupo Escombros have been using collective and participatory artistic practice to support and highlight messages issued by human rights organisations, ecology, and the defense of intellectual freedom. Within this sustained practice they have recorded their events within intermittent publications and developed an independent glossary of terms to describe their practices. Mar is described as an 'objeto de conciencia' - an 'object of conscience' intended to provoke collective critical consciousness. This work, ESCALA's example of the multiple produced after this first event, is also an 'objeto de conciencia'. Bringing the political home to the personal, the flyer that accompanies it encourages the recipient to 'throw all that corrupts' inside the empty bin bags provided.
Isobel Whitelegg
From their inception in 1988 to the present day the Grupo Escombros have been using collective and participatory artistic practice to support and highlight messages issued by human rights organisations, ecology, and the defense of intellectual freedom. Within this sustained practice they have recorded their events within intermittent publications and developed an independent glossary of terms to describe their practices. Mar is described as an 'objeto de conciencia' - an 'object of conscience' intended to provoke collective critical consciousness. This work, ESCALA's example of the multiple produced after this first event, is also an 'objeto de conciencia'. Bringing the political home to the personal, the flyer that accompanies it encourages the recipient to 'throw all that corrupts' inside the empty bin bags provided.
Isobel Whitelegg
Last updated date