Camas en el cielo/Metamorfosis del sueño
Trazos en el abismo

Artist name

Artist year born


Artist year deceased


Artwork make date


Artwork title translation

Beds in the Sky/ Dream Metamorphosis

Artwork material


Artwork dimensions

height: 50cm
width: 35cm

Artwork type (categories)


Accession method

Donated by Nemesio Antúnez and Corporación Cultural Taller 99 1994

Accession number


Label text

Nemesio Antúnez was an influential practitioner and teacher of printmaking in Chile. Between 1950 and 1953 Antúnez worked in Atelier 17, the Paris studio of Stanley William Hayter, which was also attended by Lívio Abramo during the same period. Antúnez returned to Chile in 1953 and founded his own print studio, Taller 99 in Santiago. Taller 99 became a leading centre of printmaking and learning. Camas en el Cielo/Metamorfosis del Sueño is a late work and part of Trazos en el Abismo, a series in which Taller 99 artists and poet Raúl Bruna created prints and poems simultaneously, exemplifying the collaborative ethos defining the studio since its foundation.

Metamorfosis del sueño

Sobre manteles de rombos rojos
nadan cucharas sartenes lirios
reman en el banquete
peces y calamares

las bicicletas del invierno
insectos extravagantes
se congregan en las plazas
en metálicos racimos

junto a un sol transparente
en los billares del aire
los frutos del firmamento

Con dados de cristál
el cíclope de Ur
cubiletea en Manhattan

En una espiral de danzas
multitudes del azar
parejas en el viento
sobre la capa del mar

Mientras se esfuma el horizonte
y en el légamo de la cama
nave de sueños puerto de abrazos
vuele la Tierra bajo el agua

Dream Metamorphosis

Over red diamond tablecloths
swim spoons frying pans irises
rowing in the feast
fish and squid

the winter bicycles
extravagant insects
congregate in the squares
in metallic clusters

next to a transparent sun
in the billiards of the air
the fruits of the firmament

With crystal dice
the cyclops of Ur
shakes a cup in Manhattan

In a spiral of dances
chance multitudes
pairs in the wind
over the surface of the sea

Meanwhile the horizon melts away
and in the silt of the bed
boat of dreams port of embraces
the Earth flies under the water

Transcription and English translation by Ian Dudley

(Display caption from the exhibition <i>Southern Press: Prints from Brazil, Paraguay and Chile</i>, firstsite, 2011-2012)
Ian Dudley

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