Tejedora Mapuche

Artist name

Artist year born


Artist year deceased


Artwork title translation

Mapuche Weaver

Artwork material

translucent paper

Artwork dimensions

height: 28cm
width: 23cm

Artwork type (categories)


Accession method

On loan from Ruby Reid Thompson

Accession number


Label text

Hermosilla's Mapuche weaver sits at an upright loom fashioned from rough-cut branches. She wears a full set of the traditional Mapuche jewellery: a trarilonka, a headband decorated with disks, large earrings or chawai, a trapelakucha, an elaborate pendant on her breast, and a tupu pin holding her manta in place. Her strong profile draws attention to her native Andean blood and together with the details of her costume links this work to the indigenismo movement prevalent in other countries with strong native traditions, particularly Peru and Ecuador, during the earlier decades of the twentieth century.

This bold linocut brings together two of Hermosilla's lifelong interests - the human face and the traditional culture of Chile - which first found expression in 1932 in a book of woodcuts entitled 'Caras de la Raza' (Faces of Race).

Valerie Fraser

Last updated date
