II Luz de luna, soledad magia, hechizo, en brioso corcel galopan los deseos

Artist name

Artist year born


Artwork make date


Artwork title translation

II Moonlight, loneliness, magic, spell, desires gallop on a spirited charger

Artwork material

wood engraving

Artwork dimensions

height: 49cm
width: 63cm

Artwork type (categories)


Accession method

Donated by Fabiola Adam 1996

Accession number


Label text

Luz de Luna is the second of a series of eight wood engravings on the theme of the traditional Paraguayan story of Malavision, a spirit in the form of a beautiful woman who bewitches the unwary nighttime traveller. Adam believes that the character of Malavision has her origins in the GuaranĂ­ myth of Ka'Aguy Pora, a female protector of the trees, rivers, and forests of the region of Alto ParanĂ¡. Adam has spent long periods in the interior of Paraguay and her own interpretation of the story is based on first-hand accounts from those who have told her about their own encounters with Malavision. Each print is accompanied by a short piece of free verse identifying the particular narrative and emotional moment. In this case the text reads 'Moonlight, loneliness. Magic. Spell. Desires gallop on a spirited charger' and this is paralleled in the image by a horseman, awe-struck by the appearance of the tree-woman in the face of the moon, his arousal suggested by his lively horse and the hot red landscape behind him.

Each print in the series is limited to an edition of twenty and Adam makes the impressions by hand using delicate Japanese paper. The grain of the cedar block runs vertically through the print, reinforcing the link between the cut timber, the living tree and the tree spirit. For many Paraguayan artists wood is an essential part of their country's history, geography and culture and Fabiola Adam is no exception.

Valerie Fraser

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