Elegance de Paris
Artist name
Artist year born
Artwork make date
Artwork title translation
Parisian Elegance
Artwork material
photographic print
Artwork dimensions
Dimensions: variable
Artwork type (categories)
Photographic Installation
Accession method
Donated by Fernando Escobar Neira 2002
Accession number
Label text
The photographs for this installation were taken in a 'love' hotel (a hotel used for prostitution) in Bogotá, Colombia. The hotel's mirrors and gold and red furniture imitate the lavish interiors of the royal palace at Versailles, Paris. This aesthetic characterises the décor of many such hotels in Bogotá, giving them (according to their owners) an air of distinction, an elégance. The artist takes special care to show this space revealingly. In each photograph the repetitive use to which these apparently sophisticated rooms are put is betrayed by sanitised details. Another boundary is crossed by the installation of the photographs; simulating a room, the visitor is invited to experience firsthand, and confront, these 'secret' places.
Maria Clara Bernal
Maria Clara Bernal
Last updated date