Trama XIII
Artist name
Artist year born
Artwork make date
Artwork title translation
Pattern XIII
Artwork material
wood engraving
Artwork dimensions
height: 49.5cm
width: 53cm
width: 53cm
Artwork type (categories)
Accession method
Donated by Alex Gama 1994
Accession number
Label text
In this example from Gama's Trama series the grain of the hardwood block is particularly evident. The prominence of the rippling lines, each marking a year of growth, suggests a huge tree whose own long history cannot be effaced by the geometric pattern which overlays it. On the contrary, in comparison to the faint lines incised into its surface the wood beneath bulges with life. Ernst Gombrich, in his book Art and Illusion, notes the universal human tendency to identify marks on a surface as representational - a figure, a face. In this print the black squares work in this way, tempting the viewer to read meaning into the patterned surface, and so adding a further dimension to the image.
Valerie Fraser
Valerie Fraser
Last updated date