Baño en el cañito - video

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Artwork title translation

Bathing in the Stream - Video

Artwork material


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Accession method

Donated by Wilson Díaz 2005

Accession number


Label text

In June 2000, Colombian artist Wilson Díaz was invited to visit the Clearance Zone (Zona de Distension) created for negotiation between the Colombian government and guerrillas in San Vincente del Caguán in Caquetá. On this bus trip he discovered a place called Los Pozos, where he encountered a group of guerrillas of the FARC (Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces), teenagers between fourteen and fifteen years of age, taking their daily bath in the river. Díaz' completed artwork consists of portraits of the young soldiers at Los Pozos and a video of their everyday ritual: bathing, combing their hair and carefully checking their appearances in the mirror. The clearance zone is an area that is often the scene of documentary footage and photography; rather than capturing dramatic events, the images taken by Díaz are intimate, revealing a personal ritual that structures the everyday life of young members of the FARC.

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