Duna (da série Mamãe, prometo ser feliz)

Artist name

Artist year born


Artwork make date


Artwork title translation

Dune (from the series, Mummy, I promise to be happy)

Artwork material

mixed media

Artwork dimensions

height: 100cm
width: 150cm

Artwork type (categories)

Mixed Media

Accession method

Donated by Katie van Scherpenberg 1994

Accession number


Label text

The title of this work, Mummy I Promise to be Happy, refers to the artist’s own experiences as a mother and daughter. Indirect references are made to sheets (hospitals, wedding beds?), the seaside, and to landscape, leaving space for individual interpretation. It was made by applying levels of gesso and sawdust over pure red/brown pigment. Originally, the surface was white; as time passes, the underlying colour is gradually bleeding through until eventually it will become almost totally dark, while details like the cockle shells will tend to stand out with increasing clarity. The change depends on humidity, climate, light and chemical reactions. This work is effectively 'painting itself' every day.

Last updated date
